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When those in authority abuse the trust they've been given, it's time to even the playing field.

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He said I’d never work, or succeed, or play a sport, or make a living again. He was wrong.

When an authority figure you know and trust (your CEO, your manager, coach, therapist, producer, doctor) suddenly comes on to you with a particular determination, most women become paralyzed, overcome with shock and fear.

Even if you could have said the word “no,” it was a question between you and your survival – your job, your next paycheck, your future.

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Reclaim Your Power Through Legal Action.

Just because you didn’t say “no” doesn’t make you complicit.

If you wound up in a situation of imbalanced power where you couldn’t say no to an authority’s ultimatum, you can have your power back by taking part in civil legal action to prosecute the institution that wasn’t paying attention.

It’s what we do at A Case for Women. We’ve worked with thousands of survivors of sexual assault at universities, with amateur and professional sports teams, rideshare companies, corporations, you name it. What you can do now is take part in civil litigation to hold the powerful accountable. Of the thousands of women we’ve helped, not one has ever regretted coming to us and taking legal action.

Maybe your abuser was not as well known as Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, or Larry Nassar. That doesn’t matter.

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New York Magazine story about the toxic office culture at ABC News.

Our mission is to stop the fear and futility that keep sexual assault survivors from revealing what happened to them.

We’re not just going after one abuser at a time. We’re going after the heart of power institutions that condoned the culture all along.

Sexual Assault Harbored by Institutions.

It’s been going on for decades in the workplace and on the playing field, well before women were allowed to hold C-suite positions or compete in elite sports. But it’s still happening in today’s “woke” environment.

Newly summarized data from The Institute for Women’s Policy Research1 identify two of the biggest risk factors for sexual harassment and assault at play as: working in a male-dominated job and working in a setting with significant power differentials and rainmakers.2

Male-dominated workplace

Significant power differentials and rainmakers

High Risk for Sexual Abuse

Women climbing the most competitive rungs of success have become inured to dehumanizing treatment from men, with many resigning themselves to corporate power (still) being very much the purview of men. The stereotypes exist for a reason: think of the “nookie room” in hospitals, and the casting couch in producer’s offices. And the list goes on.

These women say they dread retaliation if they talk, which is why so many don’t.

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)3, as many as 90% of individuals who say they have experienced workplace harassment never take formal action, such as filing a charge or a complaint.

Worse, the abuser may turn the tables and blame the infraction on the victim. This is a narcissistic behavioral trait called projection when one does something and blames someone else for doing it. High-stakes sexual politics often mirror narcissistic behavioral disorder (NPD).

Women in selective and elite environments who suffer at the hands of predators’ sexual gaming may end up not only fired, forced to quit or change jobs. They may develop eating disorders, depression, suicidal ideation; trust issues may preclude future healthy relationships. Some actual suicides have been documented.

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The Power Dynamic of Abuse

We’re not talking about assault in a dark alley by a random stranger, or even domestic abuse tragedies.

We’re talking about institutional powerhouses harboring systemic, sexual abuse, when the boss, coach, or CEO may first win your admiration, then betray you in the most dehumanizing way – then threaten you to keep quiet.

Take Action

Our goal is to help survivors speak out and take legal action.

A Case for Women is working with the California-based sexual assault law firm, Boucher LLP  to help women who have been sexually assaulted in the workplace tell their stories and reclaim their power by using legal action against the people and companies that profited from their abuse. Together we are dedicated to bringing more attention to the issue of power-based assault at the workplace, in sports, and in medicine.

Speak your truth even if your voice trembles.

Come to us. We are women who have cringed, too.

Take Legal Action

Boucher LLP accepts cases on a contingency fee basis and will only be compensated if and when they achieve a positive settlement or verdict in your case. Some states have opened their statutes of limitations (SOLs), allowing more than a few years for survivors to come to grips with what happened to them. But even these new windows of opportunity have deadlines.

We would rewrite the past if we could.

Together, we are dedicated to turning the tide on sexual assault and to helping survivors obtain justice.

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  1. The Institute for Women’s Policy Research  (IWPR): a nonprofit research organization based in Washington, D.C., founded in 1987 by Heidi Hartmann. IWPR works to increase public understanding of how social and government policies impede gender equality.
  2. Rainmaker – an individual who generates an unusually high amount of revenue for an organization by bringing new clients and new business to the company.
  3. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), “Sexual Harassment in Our Nation’s Workplace,” EEOC Data Highlight, April 2022 No. 2.