Institutions, Officials, Brands Are Culpable – When They’re Caught. The elite sports machine, for 10 years at least, has followed a surreptitious playbook calling for a duck-and-cover strategy employed by universities and governing organizations that harbor players’ abuse while pretending to protect them – until one day a shocking reveal breaks across headlines and conspirators are caught in the act.
Recent attention has centered on organizational abuse rampant at the youth level, affecting female talent under age 18. But female athletes over 18 suffer abuse, too. The dynamic may look a bit different considering the type of coercion, celebrity, salaries, and international stakes, but the damage is the same.
If you were sexually assaulted while playing college or professional sports, please contact us for a private consult. Some states have opened their statutes of limitations (SOLs), allowing more time for survivors to come to grips with what happened to them. But even these new windows of opportunity have deadlines.
NEW YORK – The look-back goes all the way to 1968, but your case must get on file by November 2023.
CALIFORNIA – The look-back goes to 2009, but you have until December 2026 to get your case on file.