If you have ever walked down the National Mall in Washington D.C. or gone to Arlington National Cemetery, you have sensed the immense gift that our veterans have given us.
But in our everyday lives it is so easy to forget the cost that our veterans paid so that we, today, can enjoy our freedoms.
To a great extent we owe these veterans our freedom, not to mention our very lives.
So what can you do?
- See someone with an armed services t-shirt or hat? Chances are they are veterans. Go thank them.
- See someone in military dress? No brainer. Thank them.
- Donate your frequent flier miles. The Fisher House Foundation operates the Hero Miles Program, using donated frequent flier miles to bring family members to the bedside of injured service members.
- Give them a home. Building Homes for Heroes builds specially modified homes for injured veterans at no cost and needs your donations to continue their work.
- If you are related to a veteran, or know one who has a story to tell, the Library of Congress wants to hear it. Learn more here: Veterans History Project.
- Be aware. Veterans are tough, but sometimes that toughness hides deep hurt and even PTSD. If you are close to a veteran watch for signs of depression and get help before it’s too late. It is estimated that 22 veterans commit suicide every day.
The smallest gesture can mean so much.
So today and this weekend, take a little extra time to put down your phone, look around, and show your gratitude.
Thank you veterans!